Testimony of a Former “New Age” Practitioner

Testimony of a Former “New Age” Practitioner

It's kind of seen that these spirit guides are also part of the unity consciousness and we're this lag-piece of the puzzle that needs to catch-up to the rest of the universe. And that's where you get "ET beings" that want to come and assist in the Ascension so that...

Disclosed: Deceiving the World

Disclosed: Deceiving the World

Little Light Studios has produced a documentary that explains how the alien/UFO agenda is being built today for the coming Great Delusion that will deceive the entire world. This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole...

The New Age Movement and the UFO Phenomenon

The New Age Movement and the UFO Phenomenon And so my view is that Jordan Maxwell ends up promoting the New World Order. In that particular session he goes on to say that a "bad time" is coming, but that time must come in order for it to be destroyed to bring about the birth of the...

UFOs | What the Government Is NOT Telling You

UFOs | What the Government Is NOT Telling You

"So I think it is possible that unexplained UFO sightings could be demons in disguise because the messages that 'aliens' are communicating to humans are demonic in nature."