What is “Q”?
“Q” or “QAnon” is a movement that started back in October 2017 when a random person called “Q Clearance Patriot” (“Q” for short) started posting cryptic messages on the 4chan message board. A lot of the content of his posts was vague, gnostic-style but nevertheless it immediately started to grow into a huge movement, not only online but eventually in real-world politics too.
This continued through Dec 2020 until suddenly, after more than 3 years, “Q” simply disappeared from the internet, leaving nearly 5000 posts of cryptic messages for online sleuths (“Anons”) to decode. What is interesting about the “Q” movement is that it has a very strong appeal to conservative, right-wing, patriotic Americans due to the political affiliation of “Q”. A lot of the messages are critical of the Democratic party and allege some pretty horrible atrocities being done by prominent left-wing politicians, media figures and celebrities.
The idea that a cabal of powerful elites is abusing children and getting away with it is part of a movement known as QAnon. This is the name for the family of conspiracy theories promoted by Q (or “Q Clearance Patriot”) as well as the community of supporters who promote and advance these theories.
Christian Post
The name is derived from “Q,” a mysterious figure (supposedly a military official) who began posting anonymously online. “Q” refers to the clearance level for top-secret material such as nuclear weapons designs. QAnon does not have a physical location, but according to the Atlantic, “it has an infrastructure, a literature, a growing body of adherents, and a great deal of merchandising.”
QAnon has been especially popular with some Christians. It bears striking similarities to biblical doctrine. Its version of the Fall is the cabal. Q is the movement’s John the Baptist. “Drops” (prophecies made by Q) are its Scripture. And President Trump is its messiah, “ostensibly working at great personal cost to defeat the cabal and usher in a new age of American greatness.”
Christian Post
Q drops often quote Scripture, a tactic that appeals to believers. It is attractive to Christians who distrust mainstream news sources. Since 46 percent of self-identified evangelicals “strongly agreed that the mainstream media produced fake news,” such suspicion is widespread.
And it promises a “Great Awakening,” a single event in which everyone will attain the epiphany that QAnon was accurate the entire time. This realization will allow society to enter a utopian age. Many QAnon posts and merchandise feature 2 Chronicles 7:14, a verse that is popular among evangelicals seeking spiritual awakening in our day.
This highlights a significant feature of QAnon: its unfalsifiability. One conspiracy theory researcher explains: “Q will say something very vague, like, ‘Watch the water,’ [and] because water covers most of the planet . . . there’s going to be a news event eventually that involves Trump and water. And so the QAnon community will look at that and will say, ‘Look, Trump drank a glass of water on camera. Q said, “Watch the water.” That means that Q predicted the event’—which, of course, is nonsense.”
Christian Post
QAnon is similar to Gnosticism, an early movement that blended elements of Greek philosophy and Zoroastrianism with Christianity and emphasized secret divine knowledge (gnosis is “knowledge” in Greek). Early church fathers such as Irenaeus and Tertullian rejected Gnostic ideas as heresy.
Christian Post
Q and the Extraterrestrial Connection
In September of 2018 “Q” made a couple posts that suggested that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but also that there were Secret Space Programs:

UFO researchers immediately jumped on this latest “drop” and concluded that Q Confirms Secret Space Programs Real & Extraterrestrial Life Exists.
Over the next year, the political “Q” movement, heavily aligned with Trump, started merging with the whole “Spiritual ET” movement. Spiritual ET enthusiasts started to take an interest in “Q” and started to weave their own conspiracies into the cryptic messages “Q” was posting. Within a year the two communities, right-wing Trump supporters and Spiritual ET/UFO/New Agers were starting to overlap. Vice did an article entitled QAnon and UFO Conspiracies Are Merging on this phenomenon and Michael Salla (from ExoPolitics) did a rebuttal.
Then on December 10th 2020 Israel’s former Space Security Chief, Haim Eshed, went public in a newspaper and claimed that a “Galactic Federation” of extraterrestrials actually exists, that they were in contact with Donald Trump during his presidency, and that although Trump wanted to do Disclosure they convinced him otherwise because the world wasn’t ready. Naturally this news was perceived by many in the New Age, Spiritual ET communities and “Q” movements as confirmation of everything they had been hearing rumors about.
Interestingly, two days before Haim Eshed made his claim about the “Galactic Federation” and Trump, the anonymous user named “Q” made his last post on the 8kun message board. It was a simply a link to a (now deleted) YouTube video titled “We’re Not Going to Take It”, a montage of various clips of President Trump and Trump supporters, concluding with a series of screenshots/clips showing some of the concerns people had about how the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen by Joe Biden. The censored video was backed-up on Bitchute:
“Q” had been incredibly active on the 8kun and 4chan boards, typically posting several times per week and only occasionally taking longer breaks in-between. However, after the stolen November 2020 election “Q” only made a few posts on November 12th and 13th, including the following lines:
It had to be this way.
Post #4951
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
After this, “Q” made his last post of the “We’re Not Going to Take It” video on December 8th, 2020 – two days before Haim Eshad disclosed Trump’s connection to the “Galactic Federation”. “Q” then went silent for the next 18 months.
The Return of “Q”
Following the landmark Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade in the United States, the very same day, suddenly “Q” returned to 8kun with new posts:

In the 18 months since “Q” last posted, the whole “QAnon” movement was starting to struggle. Only the most die-hard believers were still talking about “Q drops” and were still trying to find connections between old drops and current events. These are often referred to as “deltas”, meaning that Anons look at the current events for today and try to find connections to the vague intelligence drops (prophecies) that were posted on the same date in years past.
One particular Christian “Q”-follower is Dave Hayes, also known as “Praying Medic”. Dave has been following “Q” since nearly the beginning and he continued to cover “Q”-related topics even during the 18-month hiatus. He has produced an introduction video for those who are not familiar with “Q”. Recently, he also posted a video that covers the unexpected return of “Q”.
In Dave’s “Q for Beginners” video he says the following:
Some people point to failed predictions as proof that Q should not be trusted. The mistake here is assuming that Q intends to plainly predict future events. Unlike most people who claim to be government insiders, Q has never claimed that his goal is to correctly predict future events. In fact, he does exactly the opposite. For an explanation of this, let’s look at some of Q’s first messages:

The first post by Q on October 28th, 2017 was a prediction of a future event—the arrest of Hillary Clinton, on
October 30th, 2017. Isn’t this a prediction of a future event? Yes, but when it was posted, it was not intended to be accurate.
Although Q has plainly made predictions about future events, we’ve learned that these predictions are not
Q for Beginners
intended to be accurate. In every case where Q has made an overt prediction about a future event, it proved to be
a distraction—a head-fake designed to entice an opponent into making a wrong move.
The correct “predictions” Q has made are not really predictions. They’re obtuse hints that can’t be correctly
understood until after an event happens. When a significant event does happen, we can look back at previous
posts by Q and find one that seems to have hinted about it.
Therein lies the gnostic-style connection with “Q”. It’s the same type of “predictions” that Nostradamus was famous for. Flowery, poetic and vague language is used in these so-called prophecies so that present-day readers are able to project their own interpretations based on current events. A prime example is the supposed prophecy of 9/11 by Nostradamus:
“Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the Metropolis, The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude Fire approaches the great new city Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up Within months, rivers will flow with blood The undead will roam the earth for little time.”
As you can see, parts of the prophecy about “two steel birds” falling from the sky on a “Metropolis” in hindsight, immediately leads us to think of the tragic events of 9/11. But the rest of the prophecy is inaccurate: NYC is closer to 40N not 45N, rivers aren’t flowing with blood and the undead aren’t roaming the streets.
Let’s also take a quick look at what Gnosticism is:
Gnosticism was perhaps the most dangerous heresy that threatened the early church during the first three centuries. Influenced by such philosophers as Plato, Gnosticism is based on two false premises. First, it espouses a dualism regarding spirit and matter. Gnostics assert that matter is inherently evil and spirit is good. As a result of this presupposition, Gnostics believe anything done in the body, even the grossest sin, has no meaning because real life exists in the spirit realm only.
Got Questions
Second, Gnostics claim to possess an elevated knowledge, a “higher truth” known only to a certain few. Gnosticism comes from the Greek word gnosis which means “to know.” Gnostics claim to possess a higher knowledge, not from the Bible, but acquired on some mystical higher plane of existence. Gnostics see themselves as a privileged class elevated above everybody else by their higher, deeper knowledge of God.
Beware False Prophets
The whole “Q” phenomenon isn’t dangerous because of the political affiliation or the conspiracy claims. In fact, as with most false prophets, the truth is sprinkled with lies. There may indeed be a shadowy Cabal of Satan-worshippers who have infiltrated the highest levels of government. However, the danger of the “QAnon” movement is in our response to these events.
I find people like Dave Hayes (“Praying Medic”) particularly misleading. With a pseudonym like “Praying Medic” he naturally attracts a large following of Christian believers. His commitment to following “Q” and helping newbies to understand the “QAnon” movement is very troubling. He is introducing his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to a gnostic-style movement that will divert their devotion from Christ and draw them into a community of “Anons” that trust in “White Hat” intelligence agents and their own intellect to decode obscure hints from these “Q drops”.
Many of the “Q drops” contain references to the Bible, Christianity and God. The problem is that “Q” emphasizes that Patriots should “Trust the Plan” rather than trusting God. The “QAnon” movement appeals to Christian, conservative patriots because it offers reassurances that all the godless evil in this world will be taken care of by the “White hats” like Trump and his associates. As a result, “Q”-followers end up putting their faith in men, rather than in God. When this happens, “QAnon” becomes more than just an online movement, it becomes an idol into which Christian, conservative patriots put their faith and trust.
I must then conclude that the “QAnon” movement is a demonic honeypot for Christians to fall prey to the Great Delusion. “Q” has already primed the pump by acknowledging extraterrestrial life and implying that the “good guys” are working behind the scenes with benevolent alien groups in special access government programs. Imagine if the fallen angels posing as extraterrestrials show up someday soon and verify the existence of the evil Cabal and publically acknowledge that they’ve been working with Trump and his administration for years to try to stop the Illuminati from destroying humanity? Those “QAnon” followers who have been conditioned to trust “Q” over the years will be much more susceptible to believing that the “extraterrestrials” are benevolent and it’ll be much harder to convince them of their true nature as malevolent fallen angels.
Only God knows the future. I would challenge any current “Q”-follower to redirect their energy from decoding “Q drops” into reading their Bible and praying. You cannot serve both “Q” and God. Choose carefully.