I recently came across this animated movie depicting the story of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. It's a really well-made film and is closer to the Truth than most of the mainstream Christian understanding these days. The only missing component is the...
Black Knight Decoded… Decoded
So this short film is a bit of a blast from the past. It was originally produced by Pepsi and released in November of 2015. At the time I actually never even heard of it, or if I did I simply don't recall. In 2015 the LORD had not yet opened my eyes to see the truth...
Nephilim & Fallen Angels: A Biblical Perspective
Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the “ancient astronaut theory” which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia...
From America 2 Babylon: Making The Mark
This is the sequel to the first movie Babylon to America. Last time, we studied about the statue of Daniel 2 in connection to the beasts of Daniel 7 and how these chapters of the book of Daniel correlate with Revelation 13. We found out that the statue of Daniel 2 is...
From Babylon to America: The Prophecy Movie
The mark of the beast. The little horn. The antichrist. The beasts of prophecy written about by Daniel in his book and John of the book of Revelation. These were some of the things that interested me as a skeptical young man growing up in Chicago while contemplating...
The Tomorrow War – A War Against Sabbath-Keepers
*Potential Spoilers Ahead*A recently-released scifi film called The Tomorrow War on Amazon Prime has been rising in popularity lately. The basic premise of the movie is that in the 2050's humanity is fighting a losing battle against a vicious alien species that hunts...