This is just a quick post to let you know that I'm now on Telegram. In addition to posting links to my latest articles I also offer shorter analysis on topics related to the Great Delusion and share relevant posts from other Telegram channels. You can follow my...
Q Anons: Replacing God’s Plan with a Human Plan
I've covered Q-related issues before (Q Goes New Age and Q: Bait for Conservative American Patriots to be Deceived by the Great Delusion), so if you haven't read those articles I highly recommend reading them first. As I've been monitoring Q-related channels lately...
God’s Kingdom verses the Galactic Federation
If this is the first article you're reading on this website you may want some quick background on my position regarding extraterrestrial life. I'll summarize the main points below: I believe God created many different non-human intelligent creatures before He created...
US Government Has Fallen Angel Technology?
Something interesting has entered the public zeitgeist within the past 24 hours: a sudden revelation by a credible former US intelligence official (David Charles Grusch) regarding non-human origins of craft in possession by the United States government. One of the...
Making that Fundamental Decision
I recently came across this animated movie depicting the story of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. It's a really well-made film and is closer to the Truth than most of the mainstream Christian understanding these days. The only missing component is the...
Reaching Those Who Need To Hear The “Alien” Truth
I've written several posts that previously covered interviews by Dr. Michael Salla, host of Exopolitics Today. Dr. Salla frequently has guests on from the New Age/Spiritual UFO community. People who "channel" alleged aliens, or those who claim to be in telepathic...
They Want You Looking Up
There's a reason the Cabal and their media puppets are keeping "UFO" balloons in the news cycle - they want people to subconsciously keep their attention on the skies. There's been another recent "UFO" spotted over Poland. The news coverage is widespread but the...
UFO Over St. Petersburg Forces International Airport to Suspend Flights
Earlier on Tuesday, the city authorities announced that Pulkovo International Airport has stopped accepting civilian flights, but didn’t reveal the reason for the move.The Pulkovo administration said that flights will be delayed at least until noon local time (9am...
All Eyes On The Skies [Updated x3]
Let's talk about all the objects, some of them "unidentified flying objects" (literally UFO's), being shot down across the world in the past 8 days. 1st Object: Chinese Spy Balloon (Feb 4th 2023) It all began with the large Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to fly...
Why We’re Here – Understanding the Big Picture from God’s Perspective
The fundamental thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions is God's loving sacrifice of dying to redeem His own creation. However, it's easy for us to get bogged down in trying to comprehend the Story of Salvation from our human perspective....