What is "Q"? "Q" or "QAnon" is a movement that started back in October 2017 when a random person called "Q Clearance Patriot" ("Q" for short) started posting cryptic messages on the 4chan message board. A lot of the content of his posts was vague, gnostic-style but...
Jubilee – From the Darkness a False Savior Will Arise
I found the following video interview with author Darrin Geisinger particularly interesting because it appears the Father has revealed some of the same truth to him as He did to me regarding the coming Great Delusion. In particular Darrin goes into detail about the...
Are Traditional Christians Stubborn and Ignorant?
Suppose you're out for a walk and you strike up a conversation with one of your neighbors. If you told them that you recently converted to Hinduism, became an atheist or started practicing Buddhism, your neighbor will probably have some encouraging comments and would...
From America 2 Babylon: Making The Mark
This is the sequel to the first movie Babylon to America. Last time, we studied about the statue of Daniel 2 in connection to the beasts of Daniel 7 and how these chapters of the book of Daniel correlate with Revelation 13. We found out that the statue of Daniel 2 is...
CERN and Occultism in Science
Seeking Hidden Knowledge Humans have always sought hidden knowledge. It's a temptation so old it can be traced back to the Garden of Eden where Lucifer tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit by convincing her that she would gain the knowledge of Good and Evil. The...
The Great Tease: Possible Precursor to the Arrival
Something's Coming We're rapidly coming up on the 1-year anniversary of the June 2021 official government UAP report. The report turned out to be less exciting than many UFO enthusiasts had hoped forA. Nevertheless, it seeded the idea that UFO's (UAP's) are a...
From Babylon to America: The Prophecy Movie
The mark of the beast. The little horn. The antichrist. The beasts of prophecy written about by Daniel in his book and John of the book of Revelation. These were some of the things that interested me as a skeptical young man growing up in Chicago while contemplating...
The Bible, Physics, and the Abilities of Fallen Angels: Final Summary
Chapter 10: Conclusions I find a good analogy to conceptualize an extra dimension or dimensions is the green code in the Matrix movie. Like the agents in the Matrix movie, fallen angels can alter the “code” (“quantum dice”) to change what is there and alter the green...
The Christian Awakening
When we look around this world it's easy to get bogged down and overwhelmed by the magnitude of sin and evil. Sometimes it can feel really discouraging to see how many people are listening to the whispers of the enemy. However, it's important to keep perspective and...
Abilities of Fallen Angels: Time Perception Manipulation
Chapter 9 Luke 4:5 “And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.” This case of Satan likely causing Jesus Christ to have a Vision, as mentioned in the Bible, was likely at least hours in less...