As we approach the Last Days and the arrival of the fallen angels posing as extraterrestrials, we need to work on our spiritual defenses and mentally prepare for the coming Great Delusion. In this article we're going to take a brief look at the history of how the...
The Coming of the Cosmic Christ Maitreya New Age Deception EXPOSED
Testimony of a Former “New Age” Practitioner
It's kind of seen that these spirit guides are also part of the unity consciousness and we're this lag-piece of the puzzle that needs to catch-up to the rest of the universe. And that's where you get "ET beings" that want to come and assist in the Ascension so that...
Meritology Part 3: When the Carrot Stops Working
In part 2 of this Meritology series we examined how COVID has prepared humanity to worship and obey those who we perceive as "experts" in the field of science and technology. If you haven't read the first article Meritology Part 1: The Psuedo-Religous Worship of...
Meritology Part 2: From the COVID Cult to Extraterrestrial Saviors
After reading the first article in this Meritology series you may be asking what all this has to do with so-called aliens and the coming Last Days deception... you see, COVID has revealed that humanity is susceptible and ready to embrace a meritological belief system....
Meritology Part 1: The Psuedo-Religous Worship of Science and Experts
The COVID "pandemic" is coming up on its two-year mark and in hindsight we can observe some truly disturbing trends that have emerged. One of the most shocking of these trends is the meteoric rise of so-called "experts" in the media spotlight and their role in shaping...
Disclosed: Deceiving the World
Little Light Studios has produced a documentary that explains how the alien/UFO agenda is being built today for the coming Great Delusion that will deceive the entire world. This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole...
Angelic Physicality and the Alien Deception
On a recent episode of the podcast Alien Agenda, Dave Hayes (Praying Medic) discussed a variety of different metaphysical and spiritual topics, including the nature of alleged extraterrestrials and angels. During the interview one of the hosts, Ron Watkins...
The Tomorrow War – A War Against Sabbath-Keepers
*Potential Spoilers Ahead*A recently-released scifi film called The Tomorrow War on Amazon Prime has been rising in popularity lately. The basic premise of the movie is that in the 2050's humanity is fighting a losing battle against a vicious alien species that hunts...
Alien Salvation False Flag
The UFO and Disclosure community has recently started to peddle the narrative that the Deep State is planning a "false flag" alien invasion of Earth in order to drum up their authoritarian political powers and usher in a sinister New World Order. In recent weeks, a...