
God’s Kingdom verses the Galactic Federation

God’s Kingdom verses the Galactic Federation

If this is the first article you're reading on this website you may want some quick background on my position regarding extraterrestrial life. I'll summarize the main points below: I believe God created many different non-human intelligent creatures before He created...

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US Government Has Fallen Angel Technology?

US Government Has Fallen Angel Technology?

Something interesting has entered the public zeitgeist within the past 24 hours: a sudden revelation by a credible former US intelligence official (David Charles Grusch) regarding non-human origins of craft in possession by the United States government. One of the...

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Making that Fundamental Decision

Making that Fundamental Decision

I recently came across this animated movie depicting the story of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. It's a really well-made film and is closer to the Truth than most of the mainstream Christian understanding these days. The only missing component is the...

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They Want You Looking Up

They Want You Looking Up

There's a reason the Cabal and their media puppets are keeping "UFO" balloons in the news cycle - they want people to subconsciously keep their attention on the skies. There's been another recent "UFO" spotted over Poland. The news coverage is widespread but the...

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All Eyes On The Skies [Updated x3]

All Eyes On The Skies [Updated x3]

Let's talk about all the objects, some of them "unidentified flying objects" (literally UFO's), being shot down across the world in the past 8 days. 1st Object: Chinese Spy Balloon (Feb 4th 2023) It all began with the large Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to fly...

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The Great Deception – Theatrical Edition

The Great Deception – Theatrical Edition

Back in the summer of 2020 a man named Joseph of the YouTube channel REVELATION STATION, created a movie scene montage depicting the Last Days by taking movie clips and combining them into a cohesive story from the book of Revelation. I stumbled upon his work randomly...

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Q Goes New Age

Q Goes New Age

Back in June 2022 I did a comprehensive article on the whole "Q" or "QAnon" phenomenon. If you haven't read that article yet I would suggest you do so before reading on as it will provide all the background about what "Q" is, how the movement has evolved over the...

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The 10 Climate Commandments

The 10 Climate Commandments

Global Warming, or in modern parlance, "Climate Change" has always been a type of religion. The priests of this religion are climate scientists and the legacy media and politicians are its evangelical missionaries. At its core, "Climate Change" isn't actually about...

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Controlled Opposition in the Coming Great Delusion

Controlled Opposition in the Coming Great Delusion

Today I want to bring a very serious matter to the attention of readers: Controlled Opposition You may or may not have heard this term thrown around. In the recesses of conspiracy theory websites this epithet is often leveled at big names in the fringe/alt media like...

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